It’s the time of year when Cestreham are normally supporting the Carer’s lunch by providing the “manpower” to serve the carers. However with Covid on the scene, clearly the Christmas lunch has not been possible this year.
Thankfully, though, Lodge stalwarts Andrew Ludlow and Martin Fifield have been out there delivering Pamper Packs to young carers in the community within Bucks.

Organised by Mark Duncan of Ferdinand De Rothschild Lodge No.2420, this is what he had to say about the day…
About The Pamper Packs
Mark explains…
Pamper packs delivered by Bucks Masons for Bucks Carers (some young, some old) to bring a little bit of Christmas joy to their lives.
A whole litany of volunteers descended on the Aylesbury Masonic Centre in Ripon Street to do their bit for Freemasonry in the community on Tuesday 8th December, sometimes giving your time is more precious than money, many turned up in their workwear as they were taking a little bit of time out of their day and going straight back to work afterwards.
Upon receipt of these pamper packs there were people in tears, one Lady said she had heard of the Masons but thought we just looked after ourselves, I believe we definitely won a few hearts and minds today, many just wanted to chat as we were the only ones that had knocked on their doors for weeks, re-enforcing the fact that mental health issues long after Covid 19 has been eradicated by the vaccine is the next big thing that will be affecting people from all walks of life, you probably won’t see it on the news and we will have to keep an extra special eye on our Brethren.
Those volunteers were, Bill Smithson, Andrew Ludlow, Martin Fifield, Paul and Tracey Gausden, Keith and Karen Noonan, John Wells, John Morris, Paul Brissenden-Hemstock, Ameet Doshi, Stephen Tunney, Paul Lear, Steve Acton, Steve Barker, Neil Howard and Tim Gerrard.
This was one of many tasks delegated by Phil Blacklaw who also uses a great deal of his time on Collecting the Pamper Packs from the furthest point North in our Province at Olney and delivering down South to Aylesbury in many trips as he can only get about 40 packs in his car and there were 200.
It is nice to see all the usual people turning up for this task but it would also be a great revelation for a new generation of volunteers to step forward and raise their hands, please give this your most serious contemplation whilst always remembering the main tenets of Freemasonry because they were certainly expounded on this task by those named above – Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

This is really what Freemasonry is all about. Let’s hope we are back at the Centre for the Carer’s lunch next year!
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