The Brethren of Cestreham Lodge were once again supporting the Bucks Carers Christmas Lunch.
Back Row (L to R) Martin Fifield, Derek Watts, Morris Hogg, Derek Armson, Andrew Mais, Nick Holden (and Hendrix), Stephen Booker. Front Row (L to R) Malcolm Stockley, Simon Iley, Colin Holloway.
Kate and Annie Iley also provided support and help on the day
Every festive season Bucks Carers put on a Christmas Lunch for carers in the community.
These are not people paid to care for others, but friends and relatives who give of their time freely to help others. There are over 50,000 people in Buckinghamshire who provide care on such a basis.
The Beaconsfield Masonic Centre is delighted to support such a wonderful cause as Buck’s Carers.
Each year Hall Barn Lodge organise the function in conjunction with Carers Bucks and Cestreham Lodge provide the “manpower” on the day.

80 Carers are catered for and with the support of sponsors they are provided a full four course Christmas Dinner with wine and soft drinks.
Prizes are also donated and a raffle, heads and tails and bingo are played with many people winning great prizes – again all of festive fare. There is also a TV quiz which is great fun and ended in a dramatic tie-break between two tables. Every carer goes home with a goodie bag containing all sorts of festive fare.
It makes for a fantastic day for the carers who spend so much of their time and effort in supporting others.
The Buckinghamshire Provincial Grand Master John Clark was in attendance as was the head of the Bucks Carers charity Stephen Archibald.
John and Stephen both spoke and thanked the Masonic Centre, Hall Barn, Cestreham and the sponsors for putting on such a great day.
The main organiser was Steve Matthews from Hall Barn Lodge and the day was expertly MC’d by Robin Knock, also from Hall Barn Lodge.
Entertainment was by Kevin Taylor who provided a live set of festive and dance music.

‘A huge thank you to the Masons for organising such a enjoyable event. I know the carers who attended had a wonderful time and at Carers Bucks we are very grateful for all of the support you give to us and the carers we support.’
Stephen Archibald – CEO Bucks Carers
The Brethren of Cestreham worked hard serving all four courses, the wine and coffee. They then cleared all the tables and contributed to the washing up as well!
At 4pm the day ended with lots of happy carers having had a wonderful afternoon. Much fun was had as the Brethren joined in the dancing and singing before retiring to the bar for much needed sandwiches and refreshment. All reflected in the warm glow of a job exceedingly well done and looking forward to next year.
Below are some more pictures from the day.
An excellent summary of the event and the enjoyment experienced by just a few of the many carers in Buckinghamshire. It might be worth mentioning that one lady arrived with a serious puncture to her front off-side wheel. She was quite upset and anxious, until the ever attendant Masons also turned their waiter skills to car mechanic tyre fitters, changing her wheel, thus enabling her to enjoy her meal and the entertainment without having to worry about how to get home.