A number of the members and their Ladies made the trip in to London last week for the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting.

Held at Freemason’s Hall, the AGM is a grand affair overseen by the Provincial Grand Master RW.Bro John Clark.

Freemason’s Hall is an amazing art deco building in Central London, is often used for T.V shows (it was Thames House in Spooks) and provided a stunning backdrop for the meeting.

The Brethren were delighted to see Bob Cawte gain a promotion and also to see Charity Steward, Malcolm Stockley receive Grand Patron status for the Lodge as a reward for our 2021 Festival charitable contributions.

After the meeting the party retired to the Lamb and Flag for some light refreshment before dining at Simurgh in Covent Garden for a Persian feast, and very nice it was too.

A great day out was had by all.